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Is there any CoDeSys Linux support?

  • Jason - 2010-08-09


    I would like to know if CoDeSys has any support for a Linux environment. I have performed a search and some other members have used WINE or VMWare. However, I was wondering if anything has changed since then.

    Thanks You,

  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2010-08-26

    In general CoDeSys is a tool developed under and for Windows. A reasonable development for Linux would mean to invent the wheel once again...

    We have heard that some tried to run CoDeSys under a Windows emulation under Linux, but this will surely cause problems as soon as e.g. the communication to the PLC is affected.

  • mccabehm - 2015-10-02

    For CoDeSys v2.3, Ubuntu + wine libraries: See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un1jN2vIqi8. I tried installing wine on Ubuntu 14 but it required so many additional libraries that it would not be practical for me.


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