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How to generate random number?

  • andy2008 - 2010-04-24

    How to generate random number in CoDeSys?

    Many Thanks,

  • shooter - 2010-04-24

    look in oscat for a function called RDM

  • Aditya Prabowo - 2013-01-17

    Dear editor,

    Regarding GEN_RDM FB gathered from Oscat library, I found that FB would only be able to be called twice. More than twice calling, the third one would not be proceeded.

    Is this issue related to limitation of a PC as a simulation controller? Thank you in advance for your information.

    Kind regards,
    Aditya Prabowo
    Jakarta, ID

  • shooter - 2013-01-17

    i can not find any limitation, btw this is old post.
    and this question belongs in the oscat forum.


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